My daughter has been watching Hoarders with the horror and fascination of someone driving by a giant car pile up. She just can't look away.
I can't watch. I come from a long line of hoarders, and I am constantly resisting the siren call of owning every fabric I desire, or all of the patterns I ever wanted, even though two lifetimes would not give me enough time to sew what I have already. Two years ago I stopped buying fabric. And in the two years I have not suffered a fabric shortage. I just used what I had. I did buy thread and zippers and interfacing as needed. But I never want to be like the lady who said on the show, "There may or may not be possums in that bedroom. There have been no confirmed sightings, but..." If you just can't be sure if there might be possums in your house, it's official. You have a problem.
(Now when one of our rooms or closets is messy we all say, "there may or may not be possums...")
For example: our front closet, where we keep all of the coats. I do not recall ever getting rid of a coat in the last ten years. Possum territory, definitely.
I think that the fear of ending up like those poor people might have inspired me to clean my closets. That and the fear of possums, of course.
Do you have a room that may or may not have possums?
LOL. There may or may not be possums.
I need to hang out with your daughter. I'm actually following your example re: fabric.
Although I have a lot of fabric and patterns, I actually am the type who gets rid of things not in use. My husband guards his stuff with his life when I go on a de-cluttering binge!
Ugh, you know your house has gone too far when there could be wildlife in some of the rooms. I'm not that far gone.
LOL We do have possums, they live in the garden, but they visit the roof and sound like a herd of elephants at night. However, they are not tiny little things like your photo.As for my cupboards, just don't open them too fast.
That is a great expression - there might be possums. We've lived in the same house for about 15 years, and boy does stuff accumulate! I have been on a closet cleaning and fabric sorting roll for about a week, and thanks to this effort,I can confirm there are no possums here. But there could've been, if I had continued as I was!
I am also obsessed with that show. It is a cautionary tale for me. My coat closet is also full, but I feel like I need something for every 5 degree dip below 75!
My parents weren't hoarders, but they were collectors. They had tons of stuff (good stuff) neatly packed away in the boxes in their basement, attic, garage, everywhere that you could put a box. They never really enjoyed their possessions, though, since they were boxed up. After they died, it took my sister and I weeks and weeks to go through everything before we sent it all off to an auction house. My parents said they were saving all this stuff for my sister and I, but we ended up getting rid of about 99% of it. I'm bearing that in mind in my life now . . . use it, cherish it, or get rid of it! I think I'm safe from possums!
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