They're kidding us at Vogue, right? There is no other possible explanation.
I consulted my daughter as if I were planning on purchasing these patterns.
"What do you think?" I asked. "Those are HIDEOUS!", she cried. "You are NOT buying these!".
I rest my case.
I sometimes think of wearing a Liz Taylor kind of caftan circa 1970 with a giant diamond, but this is awful. I can't even comment on the pants. They hurt me.
It is like the companies are all out of good ideas, RTW, too.
This is Vogue Patterns' last ditch effort to send home sewing straight into the dumpster, right?
I'm with you. What's with the Mrs. Roper nightgown anyway? And Vogue--hello, is there anyone hearing us? We want stylish patterns-- not Star Trek costume.
The caftan is bizarre. The pants are SO NOT for me, but I can kind of see them in line with the genie pant trend that exists in Europe. It's not a trend that has hopped the pond and I never expect it to. At least I hope it doesn't happen. I think genie skants take it too far and they are objectively hideous, but I predict somebody, somewhere will make them.
This is where I wish I knew someone at Vogue Patterns, so I could ask seriously, you're forecasting that people will buy this pants pattern?
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