Is it just me, or is the girl on the right making a move on the girl on the left? And this was in the 70's! And my kids think we were boring back then...

And once you see it on one illustration, you see it everywhere.
I asked my son and he agreed. It wasn't my imagination. He suggested that it was signs of either a Russian Cold War Plot pre-Glasnost or Aliens.
Ha! As a teenager in the 60's with all that "free love" floating around, I can tell you that it was a time when "anything goes"--and did! From there, a lot of hush-hush relationships became public. The ladies on the pattern clearly illustrate it!
HAHA! Well, like they say in art class, every detail is there for a reason...
That top picture makes me think of the movie "While you were sleeping"- He was leaning. Enjoy your blog.
Even more shocking than the precursory signs of lesbian chic are the price tags: $1.00!
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