Happy Spring! Doesn't it seem like it's been winter forever?
Those of us who garden were happy to read that the White House is turning a section of that lovely yet wasteful lawn into a garden! (It's enough to warm Dave
Mallet's and Alice Water's hearts.) Mr. Hunting Creek and I would get rid of most of our lawn if we could and just grow herbs and flowers. Every year we convert just a little bit more of the front lawn into garden. Sneaky but effective.
I like to order my seeds from Pinetree Garden Seeds. They have a great selection and great prices. (not affiliated, just a happy customer)
We grow herbs on the back porch in pots and also in the flower beds. Since I live in the woods it's difficult to find a sunny spot for tomatoes, but I think we'll try some in the front garden by the roses. Who says tomatoes can't be ornamental?
If it's warm this weekend I'll have to plant some seeds. Happy Spring!
I'm envious of those with "green thumbs". I can kill any vegetation without even trying!
One of the great joys of summer--growing and eating your own veggies!
BTW, how is the progress on Butterick 5327? I just got the pattern and noticed the hand sewn tucks. ROFL!
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