In this illustration, don't these women look like they are 27 feet tall? The Vogue Pattern illustrator has an interesting view of women's proportions.
This is only one of the eleven patterns I found on my desk in the great Spring Cleaning episode on Sunday.
I also found the following projects, cut out and ready to go:
2 men's shirts,
same pattern as my DBIL's shirt, but different fabrics. Poor Mr. Hunting Creek! His Hawaiian shirts were set aside so I could complete a shirt for another man! Good thing it is still too cold to wear them. I must get these done before it gets warm.

1 blouse in white eyelet,Butterick 4984, left from last summer that I did not get around to until it was fall, and then what is the point of making a white eyelet blouse in October?
1 top, McCall's 5469, also cut out last summer, same reason for not completing
1 pair of shorts, in cream twill, same reason
1 blue knit top, Vogue Koos - I can't find the number on the tissue because I traced it and of course did not write that down on the tissue. Really, the cutting out me is very inconsiderate of the documenting me. I will try to be more observant of keeping track of what's what.
1 green taffeta skirt, Burda 8176 from (I am embarassed to admit this, but truth will set you free, right?) December 2007.(hangs head in shame)
A pink gingham eyelet blouse cut out two summers ago. but wait, it gets worse:
A batik top with fishes on it, cut out so long ago that I had no memory of cutting it out, or where the fabric came from. Someone is sneaking projects on to my desk, that is the only explanation.
My goal this weekend? Complete what I have already cut out, and not start anything new. At least, not start anything new
this weekend.
How is your Spring Cleaning coming along?
that a guilt-inducing question worthy of my mother-in-law?)
I resolved to keep cleaning until the room is finished.
(I know that I am easily distracted from tasks that I don't like doing. This is a personal failing that my mother pointed out many, many times.) Mr. Hunting Creek suggested that he'd take
before and
after pictures, to keep me motivated. "But my Dad reads my blog!" I cried in horror! "Innocent women and children might see!"
"Then you'd better finish", he said with an evil gleam in his eye.
Since the sword of Damocles is hanging over my head, perhaps I'd better.
Happy Sewing!
p.s. The website is fixed and people can place orders without getting scary messages from the Security Gods. Oh, Happy Day!