Lazy me. I saw muff-bags in the Complete Book of Sewing and thought, "What the heck is a muff-bag?". Several alert and energetic readers sent me links and pictures. (And my daughter commented,"What, is your Google-finger broken?")
Myra from Adventures in Baby-Sewing sent the following link, which shows a very attractive muff-bag: http://www.ioffer.com/i/vintage-crochet-pattern-pillbox-hat-muff-bag-purse-40s-182841426
Pictured at the top.My sister found the Ugg one pictured on ebay: http://compare.ebay.com/like/360205540237?ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&rvr_id=193827408889&crlp=1_263602_304662&UA=WVI8&GUID=5057cb6712b0a0aad2775177fe50f26e&itemid=360205540237&ff4=263602_304662
And I am fortunate that I did not title my post with what is a muff-bag. because it turns out to have more than one meaning. A NSFW meaning. Goodness, someone get the smelling salts for Miss Talbot. Conveniently stashed, along with streetcar fare and a compact, in your muff-bag.
That is too funny! I can't wait to see your version!
:)Deb M.
Y'know, I had a sneaking suspicion that googling "muff bag" would only result in horror, so I curbed my initial instincts and didn't do it. So glad someone else was brave enough to do it for us.
You are so correct - I had to carefully survey which to open :0
Google-finger! That is too funny!
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