What do you do to quick start your creativity when you are stuck? When you are a little down but need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps (whatever a bootstrap is)?
Do you have a tried and true method?
I used to look at all my patterns and sort my fabric, but this time that ain't workin'.
I know once I start I'll be happy and working away on something, but right now I just can't get motivated. I had a rough summer of illness as mentioned previously, but I am bored with being sick and ready to work on something...anything...but I'm stuck in my rut.
What do you do to get started creating again?
Read sewing blogs. And cruise flickr groups.
I had such great project ambitions for the long weekend, but a bad case of the "dontwannas" set in and I got very little done due to creative mojo gone missing. Instead, I read sewing blogs and did the flickr crawl, and now I'm full of ideas and the urge to start a dozen new projects. Too bad the weekend is over and I have so much else to do before I earn more sewing time this week.
Hope your energy/health and creativity both come surging back.
I just finished making 4 hats which will be gifts for others, I think. I had some old coats that needed to find a new purpose-had some patterns that I hadn't tried-had some people who need a pickmeup gift. It was great fun to sew something without worrying about fit (too much) and just enjoy the interplay of fabric and design.
Maybe a little online snoop shopping? I like checking out Nordstrom and Bloomingdales, in addition to all the runway shows on style.com.
Sometimes I just have to force myself back to the sewing table! I'll start by perusing the fabric stash, picking out something marvelous and colorful (unlike the black dress lining I'm working on right now that's just too dull for words) and matching it to a simple, quick-to-make pattern (something I've made before that works well for me). Once I get started (and again, sometimes I have to force myself), I usually get on a roll and feel better about the whole situation once I've got a new garment underway . . . one that I know will be successful!
Another thing I'm doing right now is cleaning out my closets and getting rid of (donating to a worthy charity) my excess clothing. I've got so many garments right now that they're oozing out of my closets and cabinets and drawers! Making space for new stuff seems to energize me.
It's inertia. If you are in motion with your sewing machine then you tend to stay in motion. If you stop then you tend to stay stopped.
I second Auntie Allyn. Just do something that you know you can do. Make a t-shirt. Make a bag. Make a skirt. Something you find easy. It doesn't even need to be wearable in the end - it just has to get you back in motion.
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