This is a tear sheet from a bridal magazine of my wedding dress. I found it a couple weeks ago when I was looking for something else. It must have wanted to be found, because yesterday was Mr. Hunting Creek's and my 29th wedding anniversary. We were married on June 28th, 1980 in Berkeley, two weeks after we graduated from the University. We were married indoors, in church, so I did not have the hat and parasol. Instead I followed my mom's advice and ordered a yard of my dress fabric and from that made my own cap and veil. It was easy to make, and I also had the fun of having all of my bridesmaids take a few stitches in it.

With the tear sheet, I had also saved the blue linen handkerchief that my mother had given me as my something blue. She had carried it on her wedding day as her something blue and saved it for me to do the same. I have saved this for my daughter, (although she currently shows no signs of wanting to be married. But maybe someday...).
Since one of my favorite things every Sunday is reading the wedding stories in the New York Times, I'll tell you mine.
We met at Freshman Orientation weekend at UC Irvine. A friend had talked me into going. I was shy and avoided occasions like this. I told her I didn't want to go. She said, "You're going, you'll have fun. I don't want to go alone! It's settled." and so I went. Friends are like that. They sometimes DO know what's good for you.
Alphabet is destiny: my last name started with B and his with C. We were assigned to the same dorm. When we met at a toga party that weekend, he commented that one day we'd have to tell our grandkids that we had met at a toga party at Freshman Orientation. Of course I laughed. He was cute and funny and smart, but I thought nothing of it. There were lots of cute, funny and smart guys at The University of California. He didn't get around to asking me out until six months later. I still tease him about this. We've been together since we were 19. When people ask me for dating advice, I have to tell them I have not dated since 1977. Sometimes you just get lucky.
I love hearing how other people met their significant others. Even if it isn't at a toga party.
Happy Anniversary!