What was Simplicity thinking? If you have always dreamed of dressing as a California Raisin or a Couch Potato, this is your pattern. But don't limit yourself to raisins or potatoes! Think outside the box of raisins, and imagine yourself and your loved ones as dancing cranberries, prunes or dried apricots! Or maybe sweet potatoes or turnips. The whole world of produce dressing is now available to you.
I believe I would go with "Jabba the Hut".
What? I think the family would be just as likely to want to be Jabba the Hut as a dancing raisin. Or a couch potato.
The longer I think about this pattern and all that had to go into it's production so that it could reach a store shelf.... the more my head hurts.
20 years ago, Mark and I ate dinner at the Ahwahnee on Halloween. While we waited in the hotel lounge for our table, the annual hotel Halloween parade passed us. One family of 4 carried a ghetto blaster playing "I heard it through the grapevine" and pranced around in garbage bags.
The California Raisins were a real phenom in their day! I think my mom still has the figurines. But I don't think even then that the raisin was a popular costume.
I'm reminded of all the corporate skits I've seen that had "Heard It Through the Grapevine" as a theme. Why sew a raisin costume when a garbage bag will do?
The Couch Potatoes, I have no words.
This pattern was totally one of a bunch I inherited from my MIL. Though I fear I've managed to lose it sometime in the last six years...
LOL...that song from the California Raisins promo, circa 1976 is going through my head and I don't think I can get it to STOP!!!
The California Raisins...amazing what the mind will remember when given the chance!
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