Sometimes we see a vintage pattern and think, "I want that! How beautiful!" This is not one of those patterns.
Did women really wear floral printed jumpsuits?
I have no memory of doing so, but time may have drawn a merciful veil over my youthful excesses. What vintage style do you remember with horror? Tie-dyed jeans? Ripped sweats? Leg warmers?
The jackets like Michael Jackson wore, with the epaulets, etc.
Reminds me of the British children's show Andy Pandy - see image here http://fadamorangashop.blogspot.com/2008/02/fada-moranga-loves-andy-pandy.html
My mother had one of these jumpsuits!! It was peach calico, and although I don't think it was this particular pattern (as it had a rounded yoke, it was so similar. Yikes!!!
ackk!! Dammit, you made my heart skip a beat with that photo.
I worked with a woman who actually wore that dress far into the 90s. She spent all her money on ????? and none on clothing.
Oh. Girl.
My mom and I were JUST discussing this very outfit not one week ago. She was telling me about the first time she met my kids' school principal (the daughter of a good friend of my mom), who was the first person my mom had ever seen actually wearing a floral print romper for grown-ups. My parents moved here in 1989, I believe. But North Texas is frequently behind-the-times in style (among other things), so that might be accurate.
I so totally want spaghetti-thin "sweatbands" to come back in style. You know. Ala Pat Benatar or Olivia Newton John. Those braided 1/4" thick ones that every girl HAD to have wrapped around her forehead in 1981. Awesome.
I hope that the floral 80s jumpsuit never comes back into style--the horror!!
OMG, take me back to Laura Ashley!!! I must admit that I did like some of the 80's Laura Ashley dresses, but not this jumpsuit!!! I think you'd get almost universal agreement that the 80's had some of the most atrocious clothing . . . dunno, maybe us Baby Boomers lost our sense of style for a while!
I like 80s fashions! Do you remember the Vogue Individualist patterns from that era?
I am still sewing with patterns I collected in the 80s.
I am sure Beangirl's memory is correct, because those floral rompers were quite the rage (among certain circles) in the Dallas area around maybe my junior year of high school, possibly senior year--sometime 1990-92. I never had one, but not for lack of looking for the right fabric. I don't recall people actually wearing them to school, I don't think, but for casual church events. Huge fad at the time, inexplicable now.
I know someone who still wears that dress. She is a manager at our local bank and wears it all the time. I know she has had it since 1982, I just know it. She has totally white hair, permed. You paint the picture.
That jumpsuit is baaaad! If we are talking what we actually wore ourselves, it would have to be the wild plaid pants that were in style around 1970. Unfortunately, I was stuck wearing them several years after they were popular, when I was a high school freshman. Maybe having to wear hand-me-downs are why I live in jeans now, since they don't really go out of style?
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