Have you ever finished a slightly challenging project and then... you don't know what you want to make next? I just finished a pair of capris - my first pair of fitted pants since I started sewing clothes again. It was a challenge because Butterick and I had a serious difference of opinion over what size I should be. Silly me, I thought I'd go by the measurements on the envelope. Well. This was a error that made, after basting to check the fit, a pair of clown pants. Since I am not a clown, [actually I HATE clowns] clearly some adjustments were in order. I pinched, I pinned, I went down THREE sizes. Now I don't like tight pants, but three sizes too big is more ease than anyone needs, even if that anyone likes an occasional Ben and Jerry's treat. Now it's not like I am going to wear these on the Red Carpet for the release of my latest film, but I do like the things I make to look handmade in a GOOD way. I had to make the darts in the back deeper and add darts in the front. I figured out where by trying them on and pinching fabric where it was loose and seeing where the darts looked best. [My waist is smaller in proportion to my hips than Butterick thinks it should be, even when I cut a smaller size there. Isn't that a nicer way to think than saying my hips are too big? My waist, alas, is too small! ] I made a perfect fly zipper using Sandra Betzina's method in Power Sewing and it came out perfectly. That's one reason why I persevered - that fly was PERFECT, darn it, and I wanted to FRAME it for pete's sake. These capris were more work than some ball gowns I've made!Anyway, the pants are done, hemmed and wearable and DH approved. I am on vacation this week, and we are "summering in place" this year, so no need to pack and go somewhere. [ I actually like staying home, to be honest. Home is nice. Everyone speaks English and I don't have to figure out the money exchange.] I have enough fabric to make clothes for a small army. I have enough fabric to make quilts, purses, pillowcases, and curtains for a small department store. And I think I just might have a pattern for everything. So what is the problem, you ask? I think I have too many choices! Should I make a nice Tee? Simplicity 4076 is a TNT for me. Hmmmm. Or maybe a summer purse? or both? What do you do when you can't decide? Flip a coin? See what fabric the cat decides to sleep on? Stay tuned, Gentle Reader. I'll go poke around in the sewing cave and see what fabric grabs my ankle and refuses to let go. Until then, Happy sewing!
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