Looking at RTW is also fun, because I see where someone could replicate and dare I say, improve some current offerings.
For example this dress from Nordstrom:

Is pretty close to this McCall's pattern:

It would be fun to see how close you could get. Just a few minor tweaks, and you can brag to your sweetie that you "saved" $118.00.
It wouldn't take too much work to make an homage to this one for summer:

With this Vogue pattern:

I think I'd use this silk from Gorgeous Fabrics for my Tory Burch homage.
Or maybe this one. Mine would be nowhere near $350, so I'd have money "saved" for some cute sandals. "Saved?", I hear you saying. "Mrs. Hunting Creek, just because you didn't buy a Tory Burch dress, but made one instead, doesn't mean you saved money."
Foolish person. You seem to be unaware of the Law of Compensatory Cashflow. as explained by Calvin Trillin in his books.
Essentially, it works like this: I briefly consider buying a Tory Burch dress. It costs $350.00. I decide to make one instead. I have therefore "saved" $350.00, and I can use money to buy the pattern, fabric and shoes, and maybe get a mani-pedi with some cash left over. See how that works? Try it yourself. It's fun! It also works for cars and vacations. I admit Mr. Hunting Creek was slow to appreciate the law of Compensatory Cashflow at first, but now he's "saving" money everywhere himself with the same rationale. You can play too! Just look at the dresses online, make one instead, and we'll all be rich with "saved" money.
excellent. I just saved $20,000,000,000 by not buying my own island. I'm sure I can buy an excellent tropical vacation with the money I saved. Or at least several pairs of cute shoes.
Love this! With some imagination, we make better things ourselves, AND "earn" money as well!
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