It started snowing last night and shows no signs of stopping. Bob Ryan says we might get two feet. For the Washington DC area, that might as well be ten feet - people are seriously snow averse here. The stores are sold out of sliced bread, sandwich meat, potato chips and toilet paper. Do people here only eat cold sandwiches during snow storms? Being a California girl, I sometimes still do not understand the East Coast Mind. What's with the potato chips and cold cuts?
Chez Hunting Creek, we'll make soup and homemade rolls and salad, and watch football while we wrap presents. I might even sew some last minute gifties.
I feel sorry for the stores though. This is a big shopping weekend for them and now no one can get out on the East Coast to go shopping!
Is all of your shopping done? Mine sure isn't.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah to all!
I'm making french fries! For once in my life, I actually have food in the house. I think i'll bake bread tomorrow. There's no way we're going to get off my street for a couple of days. Baltimore just does not plow neighborhoods.
I made two loaves of bread, cut out and sewed a lovely dress and paid a neighbor to shovel out my driveway and walkways. It's been just a lovely weekend . . . but I shudder to think about tomorrow's commute to work!!
I went to a Bar Mitzvah yesterday in OC and the girls were wearing spaghetti-strapped minidresses in the 86F sunshine.
There is a part of me that longs for a snow day.
I was worried about dressing modestly. Is my knee length sheath too short? Is red inappropriate? Should I cover my head?
I needn't have worried.
Did you know that a schoolboy cap covered in allover gold sequins counts as a head covering? This is not your momma's OC!
Cannot tell you how disappointed I am that I am already in Tx and have missed the big snow. :( Enjoy!
Merry Christmas to you too! 20 inches of the white stuff here, but I got my shopping all done.
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