Butterick 5327 What an unusual T shirt. I have lots of knits in the stash that would be perfect for both views B and C.

Yes I am, that's why I will carefully select not bridesmaid fabric. Something sinister, to conteract the ruffles. "What's sinister fabric?" Mr. Hunting Creek asks. He enjoys participating in wardrobe planning. (He and our son are quite dictatorial actually. Sometimes they interpose a veto on certain fabrics and patterns.)

Fabrics like this one and this one from Gorgeous Fabrics are perfect to counteract the bridesmaid tendencies.
Then since I have "saved money" by making a dress, accoring to the Law of Compensatory Cashflow, I have money Left Over for cool shoes. Our son says, "Is there such a thing as leftover money?". I carefully explain the Law of Compensatory Cashflow. Say I need to buy a dress to wear to a wedding. At Nordstrom, the dresses that I like that are Perfect are between $300-798. Sewing my own dress might cost as much as $40-80 if I used silk, or maybe as little as $35 if I used a knit. That would mean that according to the Law of Compensatory Cashflow, I have as much as $758 left to spend on shoes. "I don't understand how you have $758 'left over' ", he says. "You would never spend $800 on a dress ever. You always make them." "This is because you are not a future Nobel Prize winning economist, like your mother." I say. "It is great minds like mine that will get us out of this recession."
What are your great ideas to get us out of this recession? I am doing my part; I bought 10 new patterns this morning(not all for me; I am so selfless) and some rick rack for Best Sister Ever, plus thread and interfacing.
My birthday is in a couple weeks, and for a present to myself I will break my yearlong fabric fast and get something for my birthday. I like to make something every birthday as a treat. That will help end the recession.
Everyone must do their part to end this malaise, both financial and emotional. We can start by making cheerful clothes. What are you planning to make for spring?
Happy Sewing!
I know I say this all the time. But, you are the best writer. Between that and being a future prize winning economist, I'm signing up for your way of thinking!
I too, contributed to saving the economy today! I bought 8 patterns, interfacing and lining.It is, after all, our DUTY !!!
My first garment sewing for spring is McCall 5480--a coat reminicent of Audrey Hepburn. I am lengthening the sleeves to the wrist and addind a 1" wide cuff. The fabric is a yellow/green "something or other" I got off the FREE table at one of my sewing clubs!
Therefore, since the coat is basically free, I can indulge in gloves, hat, shoes and a marvelous handbag--just to help stimulate the economy, of course.
A lovely post. I laughed and it made me wish I could invite you over for tea.
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